Foot Care Tips For Winter
Winters are a little rude on our skin. Don’t you think? Though we enjoy spending those glorious winter months covered in quilts, we do not forget to revive our winter wardrobes! While you are focusing on your face and body, your feet scream for attention.
During winters, our hands and feet suffer a lot! A lot!
And, what do we do?
We just cover them with socks and gloves until the winter blows over. But this is not the best approach! Moreover, your feet tend to feel tired and ache due to the decreasing temperature.
Here is a lowdown of prezzies for your tired feet.
Give a Warm-Water Soak to Your Feet!
One of the most soothing and self-pampering activities for you is a “Hot & Steamy Soak”. Just like your body enjoys that bath, trust me, your feet love it more! Your feet will thank you for that warm water soak. And, remember, a skincare regimen is really needed when the temperatures are extreme.
Soak your feet in a bucket of warm water along with a dab of shower gel to cleanse the feet. Just dip your feet for a little time and let them do the necessary! If you want, you may add little crystal salt to relieve your aching feet and absorb the negativity of the whole day. Towel dry your feet and relish the softness! Tip: Remember to flush that water instead of just throwing it on the floor.
If you do not have enough time for a dedicated soak, include it in your bathing routine. Mere 5-10 minutes to your feet every day is more than enough for soft and supple feet.
Scrub Those Nasties Away!
You love exfoliating your face, right? Why not shower that same love to your feet as well! On the contrary, your feet need a little extra love considering how easily they can get rough and cracked. Scrubbing away your feet not only removes the dead skin cells, treats the calluses, but also relieves achy feet.
Each one of us has our own way of scrubbing feet. Some use a pumice stone, some use cream-based scrubbers, or some may even skip the hassle of doing it at home and take a Foot Spa at a nearby salon.
Scrubbing once a week is enough to buff away the dead skin cells. You may make it twice if you are believed to be cursed with extensively parched feet.

Moisturize for Soft Skin
Your feet tend to become dry and flaky during winters. Thus, removing dead skin cells is not enough! After this harsh and tough love on your feet, it is time to shower some creamy love. The skin needs to receive intense hydration, moisturization, and soothe your sore feet. Condition your feet with the best of the foot creams in the market.
Foot creams can be your BFFs that your feet ask for! Massage the foot cream for about 15 to 20 minutes. Get foot cream that has hydrating ingredients that soothe and soften your flaky and dried feet.
Honestly, there is no bound time for you to have silky, satiny, and clean feet. Whether you have a spa-like feel while you return from your hectic work schedule, a party or you are having a fun night with your gal pals!
Keep Your Feet Covered!
This is not something I need to remind you of! Often most of us are neglecting even after a good pampering session to our feet! Your love for feet shall not just cease here!
Put on a fresh pair of your favorite socks. Make sure the stuff is cotton or wool and not some synthetic blends. They end up doing more harm than good. Nothing that a killer foot massage cannot cure. Enjoy a perfect foot spa at the comfort of your home on your terms.
You can have soft and supple feet while you are catching your beauty sleep. Or, you may wear socks while you are just relaxing at home! And, when you are out, make sure to wear a breathable pair of socks in your footwear.
Final Thoughts
Winters are loved by a lot of people. And, I know, all you feel like doing is wrap yourself in a quilt and hibernate for as long as possible. However, there can be several circumstances that need your undivided attention, like your dependent feet. Little care and love to your feet do not only make it easier for you during winters but also the summer months. Foot care is a habit that goes a long way for healthy and supple feet.
What’s your foot care secret for this winter?
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