Beauty Trend 2020: How Does Artichoke Benefit Your Skin?

If you were an Artichoke, youโ€™d have a BIG heart!

Aiming to make the most of nature and cosmetics, the beauty industry has started including the goodness of nature in the form of vegetables, fruits, and flowers that bestow a lot of benefits to the shopper.

We all love to go organic- whether we talk about eating or wearing or applying. Acknowledging the destruction we have brought to the planet, we try to stick to more natural ways and enjoy what mother nature has to offer us.

One of the greatest vegetables is Artichoke that sets its foot for good human health. Thus, it is vital to include artichoke in your diet as well as your skincare routine. Artichokes have a plethora of benefits for mankind whether we think skin, hair, or even body.
Before we get into the benefits, let us learn a little about artichokes.

What Are Artichokes?

Botanically, Artichokes are flowers but they are considered vegetables. It's an immature flower bud of thistle belonging to the sunflower family. It has leaves on the outside, a hairy center with a heart, and a stem. The heart is the meatiest part of artichoke whereas the outer leaves consist of thorns. The inner leaves, the bottom of the flower, and the center heart are the edible portions of an Artichoke flower. However, it is not easy to prepare this vegetable to make a good meal out of it.

What Is The History Of Artichokes?

The name Artichoke originated from the word โ€˜articioccoโ€™- the world ciocco means stump. These vegetables date back to the early medieval times, in the time of Greece and Roman empires. However, now this plant is found or grown in the Mediterranean region. It was only the 20th century when artichoke made its place in the United States. Whereas in India, it is considered as an exotic variety of vegetables. Very few people know about it and even fewer consume it.

One of the French Doctors used artichoke to treat a patient with jaundice whose condition was not improving with drugs. It was then when people started studying and exploring more health benefits of this flower.

Today, California produces most of the artichokes in the United States.

What Are The Benefits Of Artichokes?

What Are The Benefits Of Artichokes?

Artichokes are beneficial in contributing to the body internally and externally. It caters to a range of problems that humans face and incline counter medicines to get treated for the same. The flower contains fibers that aids in various physiological functions. Whereas, the antioxidant properties make it best for skin and hair.

It is rich in antioxidants, caffeic acids, ferulic acids, and silymarin which makes it efficient in treating the free radicals on the skin. Thus, they also prevent and treat the signs of aging and minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, as well as blemishes.

Artichoke included in moisturizer or serum helps in stopping the pores from sagging. The best part is that it treats the cell from within- thus the skin health improves inside out warding off the wrinkles.

It even contains Vitamin C that helps in synthesizing the collagen and boost the skinโ€™s natural renewal process. Additionally, it also helps in lightening the skin and fades the dark spots. Due to the presence of vitamin C, it also tightens and reduces the appearance of pores in the skin.

When infused in sunscreen, it has natural SPF properties that help in fighting off the UV rays of the Sun due to the presence of bioactive chemicals- cynaropicrin.

The use of artichoke for skin regularly helps in attaining and maintaining a radiant and vibrant glow, unclogged pores, and firm skin.

Interesting Facts About Artichokes?

  • Artichoke is a flower bud that is harvested before it blooms but it is considered a vegetable.
  • Greeks and Romans used Artichoke as an aphrodisiac.
  • Due to a myth that it has aphrodisiac properties, the women of the 16th century were refrained from consuming artichokes.
  • Spain and France are the largest producers of artichokes in the world.
  • Artichoke first came into notice between 40 to 70 AD in a book of medicinal plants.
Interesting Facts About Artichokes?


Artichoke has revolutionized the beauty industry with its powerful repairing properties and fight the sun damage. It not only helps in boosting the overall health of an individual but also helps in treating and managing skin issues.

Using artichoke in different beauty products bestows a lot of benefits to the skin. It is considered a star ingredient with countless benefits that makes it high-performing and deeply nourishing. It addresses the skin issues that perhaps are exacerbated by chemicals.

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